Era Mongetada 2016 in the Val d’Aran, participatory and organizational success

The gastronomic Festival of the Val d’Aran, Era Mongetada 2016, it has gathered more than 3,000 people during the various events that have taken place over this issue.

Era Mongetada 2016

The coincidence with the weekend of All Saints, an excellent weather and the many organized activities have achieved a complete success of this event.

For the president of the Gremi d’Ostalaria dera Val d’Aran, Ambròs Barberà, “this number of visitors, has reached both national and international recognition of this event linked with agriculture, gastronomy, heritage and culture, under the shelter of a own product of the Val d’Aran as the bean of Bossòst, the real protagonist of Era Mongetada “.

Also, Carlos Sanllehy, director of Era Mongetada, was satisfied “for having achieved the objectives of the festival, increasing the number of participants in the activities and enhancing quality gastronomic side with the development of the different menus every day.”

Monument to the “Mongeta de Bossòst”

Era Mongetada started on Friday with a charity dinner organized by the Gremi d’Ostalaria dera Val d’Aran in Vielha. On Saturday the village of Bossòst was the big star of the festival, hosting EraMongetada-2016-(2)a large number of visitors throughout the day. In the morning, it was inaugurated the monument to the Mongeta of Bossòst, recognized as bean variety retrieved, in the category of “commercial variety”.

At midday the traditional “Dinar de Pagès ” which brought more than 500 diners with a menu prepared by chefs of the Gremi took place. In addition, coinciding with the gastronomic festival, the town hosted the Autumn Fair livestock and craft market, with great movement and atmosphere throughout the day.

Show cooking Era Mongetada

On Sunday the stage was moved to Garòs, where the gastronomic festival began with a demonstration of the work of traditional treatment of the bean. The city hosted the “Show-Cooking” Era Mongetada, which this year was attended by the American chef Daniel Garner, currently the head of the kitchen of the restaurant OKRA Hong Kong; and Tony Botella, responsible for TBTC cooking school in Barcelona. Along with the chefs of the Gremi d’Ostalaria dera Val d’Aran, developed spectacular culinary offerings for the 450 guests.

During the course of the day, the leaders of the organization of Era Mongetada, Ambròs Barberà and Carlos Sanllehy, delivered the “Mongeta d’Or” to Jose Spain in recognition for his career as a driver of Aranese gastronomy.

Era Mongetada closed on Monday with a meal and a talk by Ferran Latorre, after an ascent to Mauberme Pic and a cultural output around Salardu, Bagergue and Unha.