The mycological days are back

The Jornades micològiques de la Val d’Aran, organised by the Conselh Generau d’Aran, in collaboration with Val d’Aran Tourism and the Societat Catalana de Micologia, are now in their 12th year. During the event, which will take place from 13 to 16 September, different outings are held in the countryside to learn about the biodiversity of mushrooms and visit the territory and places where most of these mushrooms are concentrated. The aim of the conference is to show the great wealth of mycological species of the Aran.

Since 2014 the Conselh Generau d’Aran, regulates the collection of mushrooms in the forests of the Aran Valley through an ordinance that allows residents, owners of second homes and visitors who spend the night in tourist establishments in the Aran Valley, can collect mushrooms in the forests at no cost. To this end, the Conselh Generau issues checkbooks to town halls and hotel accommodation.

Consult the programme of the XII Jornades micològiques:

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