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The Val d'Aran with Òscar Cadiach on his ascent to the Broad Peak

Home » News » The Val d’Aran with Òscar Cadiach on his ascent to the Broad Peak

The Aranese government ratified last week its support to the alpinist to complete his 14th 8000.

The Síndic d’Aran, Carlos Barrera, and the conselhèra de Torisme e Desenvolupament Econòmic d’Aran, Anna Díaz, received the Catalan alpinist Òscar Cadiach last week. The Aranese government ratified the sponsorship of the next expedition from Tarragona to Broad Peak (8,047 m). Cadiach can become the first Catalan to complete the 14 principal eight thousand of the world without using artificial oxygen.

The alpinist, with house in Vilamòs (Val d’Aran) will re-attempt the Broad Peak during the months of June, July and August. Cadiach will carry the emblems of the Conselh Generau d’Aran to the summit of this eight thousand of the Karakorum and the whole corporate image of “Val d’Aran, era essència des Pirinèus” in the expedition clothing, which can take about 50 days.

The Val d’Aran, high mountain destination

In addition to carrying the emblems of the Val d’Aran, on the return of Broad the climber will encourage the route to Aneto by the Aranian slope, which has more and more fans. The support of Cadiach, aims to strengthen the link of the Val d’Aran with the high mountains.

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