Gastronomic weekend in Val d'Aran with Era mongetada 2015


The most anticipated culinary and cultural event of the Aranese autumn is ready for celebration, with events in Garòs, Bossòst and Vielha from Friday October 30 to Sunday November 1st. Emerged in 2012 after the recovery of the Bossòst bean, a plant variety of the Val d’Aran, Era Mongetada is an initiative of the Gremi d’Ostalaria dera Val d’Aran in collaboration with the municipalities of Naut Aran, Bossòst and Vielha, Foment de Torisme dera Val d’Aran and other entities of the valley.


Gremi d’Ostalaria dera Val d’Aran cooker’s team

In order to revalue agriculture, gastronomy and cultural heritage of the valley, Era Mongetada reconstructs the treatment process of the vegetable, from cultivation in the field to its different culinary creations, through a series of gastronomic, cultural, recreational and sports events.

The gastronomic celebration, in a show-cooking space differentiated from the other events, will offer dishes based on beans produced live, with the participation of the guest chefs this year, Kin Hong and Sacha Hormaechea, along with chefs of the Gremi led by Carlos Sanllehy, owner and chef of the restaurant Eth Restilhé and Era Mongetada director. The program also includes a charity dinner and a “Dinar de pages”.

Meanwhile, along the cultural festival will be revived some of the farm work and livestock that once were held in the homes and villages of the Valley related to the treatment of bean. Also, there will be guided visits in Garòs environment by specialized guides, Aranese traditional dances, exhibition and demonstration of crafts and live concert by Lou Seriol. As a novelty this year, will take place the first agricultural Games Val d’Aran, with races, lifting wheel tractor, alpaca castel, cut trunk and pulled the rope.

Recognized as a variety since last year, Bossòst bean is a crop fully adapted to the climate of the region, without pests and with good agronomic development. Easy maintenance, both dry and cooked makes it an extremely versatile ingredient combinable with many local products and in the hands of master chefs, it is regaining its importance in the kitchen.