Countdown to the Trail Carlac 2016



Foto: Elena Mate, Trail Carlac

One of the most beautiful environments for trail running, the Baish Aran, will host from 17 to 19 June 2016 the Trail Carlac, a racing career with five tests developed in the area of Quate Lòcs (Bausen, Bossòst, Canejan y Les) en la Val d’Aran, una de ellas nocturna, novedad de este año.

This genuine event, which celebrates its fourth edition this year, seeks to recover ancient courses in order to establish a base camp for all racing fans mountain and revitalize this still unspoiled area and its people, making known the Aranese territory and its culture and heritage.

Carlac forestwhich gives its name to the race, is a lush ancient beech forest that surrounds the idyllic village of Bausen. Moreover, the different tests go through the castle Les Pijoèrt, defence tower of the eleventh century used by the Baron of Les, declared a cultural monument of national interest. Artisanal trophies are differentiated for the three tests, each representing an important element of culture and tradition of the area.


Foto: Elena Mate, Trail Carlac


  • Vila de les: 11 km. Start in Les, rise to Bausen, Mirador de Les and return to Les. Ideal for those who want to initiate in racing mountain, for the young and for those who want to walk or practicing Nordic Walking.
  • Bosc de Carlac: 21 km. Start in Les output (631m), rising to Bausen through the Bosc de Carlac and lowering them. First urban section, rest on mountain roads and last stretch of track. A perfect half marathon to start at this distance and also recommended for those who want to make half running half walk.
  • Quate lòcs: 43 Km. Departure from Les to Canejan, back to Pontaut to start soaring up Bausen, climb the Bosc de Carlac to follow up the Tuc des Canaus, continue with an air section crested by the France border to reach the Borda del Cric, to start the descent towards Bossòst and the Camin d’Espaliàs to arrive to Les. A mountain marathon with all the attractions.
  • Trail deth Montlude. New this year. It passes by one of the most emblematic peaks of the Val d’Aran, the Montlude (2517m). First urban stretch for them, rise to the Tuc des Neres to the top of Montlude and down the lake Lauajò to Bordius, and the “Camin dera cambra” down to Les.
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    Foto: Elena Mate, Trail Carlac

    Sprint vertical night.

    2 Km. New this year. Rise to Canejan night, by the way “dera costa” with signposted route with fluorescent markers.

  • Challenge. This test is the big news this year. It is the sum of the time of the 3 races to be held over 3 consecutive days: Sprint Vertical Night, Trail Quate Lòcs y Trail deth Montlude. The winner of the Challenge will be the rider who have less time in total 3 races.


Summer 2016: Mountain races in the Val d'Aran


trail_1024x425The mountain racing season in the Val d’Aran begins in mid-June with the Carlac Trail and ends in early October with the Vertical d’Aran. During these months, we propose twenty circuits adapted to all capacities, through beautiful roads, mountainous terrain, rugged forests and aerial tours with spectacular views across the valley.

An offer of all kind of ascents and descents, with different slopes and distances from 2 to 104 km, and different forms, from night circuits to authentic mountain marathons. They are races that will take you to discover the most emblematic peaks of the Valley as the Montcorbison or Pui d’Unha, beautiful landscapes and forest like the Carlac, the most amazing trails and recovered old roads passing picturesque villages of the Val d’Aran as Aubèrt, Vilamòs or Es Bordes.. By what you will decide?


Trail Carlac


Del 17 al 19 de junio de 2016


El Trail Carlac comprende 3 días de carreras en la zona de Quate Lòcs.


  • Vila de Les: 11 km.
  • Bosc de Carlac: 21 km.
  • Quate lòcs: 43 Km.
  • Trail deth Montlude. 30 km.
  • Sprint vertical night. 2 Km.
  • Suma del tiempo de las 3 carreras: Sprint Vertical Night, Trail Quate Lòcs y Trail deth Montlude.


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Aran Race Festival


2 y 3 julio 2016


Un festival de carreras por la montaña que tiene lugar en la localidad de Unha, en el Naut Aran a una altitud de 1280,respaldada por la enorme mole del Pui D’Unha.


  • Kilómetro vertical Pui d’Unha: 3km 950D
  • Unha Skyrace: 13km 1300 D+
  • Mini Unha: 7km 450D


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Era nocturna Vielha


30 de julio 2016


Carrera que se desarrolla por las calles de Vielha. Se trata de una jornada en la que habrá diferentes pruebas para que todo el mundo pueda participar ya sea andando o corriendo.


– Carrera de 5 y 10 kms (2 vueltas sobre un circuito de 5kms)

– Caminata de 5 kms.


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Ultra trail Val d’Aran


6 de agosto 2016


Tres distancias para elegir la que se adapte mejor a las condiciones de cada corredor, todas ellas con salida desde Salardú por un recorrido donde se puede disfrutar de la naturaleza en estado puro.


Short: 20 km

Trail: 50 km

Grand: 104 km


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Corsa e caminada des 15 pòbles

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-03 a les 11.03.25Fecha

28 agosto 2016


Organizada por los Volentaris d’Aran, esta carrera se ha consolidado como una actividad deportiva que desde sus orígenes se marcó como objetivo la recuperación de los antiguos caminos, las vías de comunicación entre los pueblos pirenaicos.


  • Caminada 19 y 21 km
  • Caminada 5 km
  • Carrera – corsa 15 pobles Corsa 21,097 Km: 1300 m- de subida y 1200 de bajada
  • Carrera Trofeu Roland Giné


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6ª Vertical d’Aran


2 de octubre


Organizada por Aiarasmi, esta carrera tiene su salida en Vielha hacia la montaña del Montcorbison, con un recorrido de poco más de 5 kms. Cuenta con una subida popular con salida en la Bassa d’Oles, a medio camino de la larga.


Vertical: Vielha – Montcorbison

Media vertical: Bassa d’Oles – Montcorbison


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