Countdown to Salardú Country Rock Festival


Salardu Country web

This international event habitual in the Aranese summer Aran is held in Salardu – Naut Aran (Val d’Aran) from 25 to 28 August. The Salardú Country Rock festival offers concerts, country dance, exhibitions, workshops, master classes, workshops, market craft and western areas, Country DJ, a children’s show horse, restaurant – bar with live music, children’s performances, Fan zone, photocall, entertainment, fun, contests, surprises, humour and more.

With family vocation, this event presents an attractive proposition for everyone. The main block is the country music concerts with artists and groups that attract a large class loyal to this musical style imported from North America as part of European culture. While the old continent celebrate many other country festivals, the Salardú Country Rock Festival meets all the conditions for being one of the most attractive: landscape, infrastructure, gastronomy, history, culture, livestock, etc.

Check the program on this link.

Holidays in the Val d'Aran, an unforgettable summer in the mountain


Have you planned your holiday in the Val d’Aran? Besides enjoying an exceptional landscape and a very pleasant temperature, we offer a variety of activities for all tastes, from cultural visits to the most extreme sport. These are our suggestions!

1.Soaking in public pools

Piscina-termal-arties-valdaranWe recommend trying the novelty of this year, the new thermal pools of public use of Arties, where you can enjoy the natural water at 39 °C. And you also have municipal pools in Salardu, Vielha, Gausac, Bossòst and Les, all equipped with changing rooms, sun beds, bar service and surrounded by a spectacular scenery.

2.Mountable the chairlift Blanhiblar

From 23 July to 28 August will be working in the ski resort of Baqueira Beret the Blanhiblar chairlift, departing at 1850 m and arrival to 2245m, from where you can see the best views of the valley. From above we propose you four routes on foot and one by bicycle.

3.Know the industrial heritage of the Valley

In Victoria mines you have a guided walking tour of three kilometres lasting 2-3 hours. This former zinc mine in the area of ​​Arres and Bossost is part of the industrial past of the Val d’Aran.

We also recommend the Mola de Salardú a restored mill where you have the opportunity to see the functioning of the hydraulic mechanism and learn about the process of making flour.

4.Get in the little train to Artiga de Lin

13776006_10153985093744081_2587126486912847059_nThis initiative is part of the pilot plan launched by the Conselh Generau d’Aran to regularize the motorized access in the Ribera del Joèu. Unauthorized vehicles must park just before the shrine of the Virgen de la Artiga Lin where there is an information booth that will offer recommendations, contact guides and routes and from where our visitors can take the train with permanent service that will take them to visit one of the most beautiful places of the Val d’Aran.

5.Delight in Romanic concerts musicau

A full program of free concerts that take place every Friday from July 29 to September 2 in the most emblematic Romanesque churches Aran. A feast for the senses where the acoustics of the building is the accompaniment of the selected musical pieces. Download the program in this link.

6. Have fun in the village’s festivals

Many of the Aranese villages celebrate their festivals in summer, with traditional dances, popular meals, children’s activities and dancing with orchestra. Look on the agenda of our web which of them coincide with your stay!

7. Know the history of the Valley through our museums

The summer season in the Aranese museums has come up with an attractive cultural and leisure proposal which includes various exhibitions, workshops and guided tours, and new schedules that will remain until 11 September. It has also been expanded the Rota Romanica d’Aran, which allows to discover the rich artistic heritage of the Val d’Aran, with the addition of Escunhau, Betren and Bagergue churches. Look the summer schedules on this link.

8. Mountain hiking

After the success of last year in his first season, comes back the Tour del Aneto, a hiking 6-stage circular path around the giant of the Pyrenees across 5 valleys and organized by the company Camins. In addition, Saboredo, Colomers and Restanca -high mountain refuges located in the Parc National d’Aigüestortes- and Conangles and Era Honeria -the mountain refugees of the Val d’Aran-, are enabled for the new hiking season.

9. Go across the Val d’Aran by bike

The circuit of the Val d’Aran cycling routes is very broad and you will find at all levels and distances. In the microsite Aran Total Bike you’ll have all of them with technical data -distance, altitude, approximate time of completion and tracks GPX-, itinerary and the elements of interest and native vegetation.

10. Discover the environment of the valley through responsible ecotourism

In order to publicize the interesting diversity of natural species of the Val d’Aran and the surprising habitat that surrounds them, the responsible ecotourism initiative, “Hidden Nature” brings together an interesting range of activities and outputs guided through territory. In addition to disclosing the beauty of the natural environment of the valley, the program affects the sustainability of the destination as a guarantee of added value for the visitor.


5 ideas para divertirte el puente de San Juan en la Val d’Aran

1.Conoce nuestras tradiciones: las Fiestas del Fuego

E_19770bDeclaradas por la Unesco Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad junto a las demás Fallas del Pirineo, las Hèstes deth huec de Les y Arties se han conservado hasta la actualidad y constituyen uno de los principales reclamos turísticos de ambas localidades aranesas.

Se celebran la noche de San Juan, el 23 de junio, coincidiendo con el solsticio de verano, y marcan el inicio de la temporada estival. Durante la velada se quema un tronco, el Haro en Les y el Taro en Arties, en un concurrido ritual acompañado de música y danzas tradicionales donde participa todo el pueblo.

2. Da la bienvenida a los nuevos ositos de Aran Park

Acércate a saludar a los cachorros de la osa Luna que han nacido este invierno en Aran Park, el Parque de Fauna salvaje de la Val d’Aran y paséate entre lobos, ciervos, linces, marmotas y otros animales autóctonos. A lo largo de un recorrido de dos horas podrás observar catorce especies diferentes de mamíferos y aves en semi libertad y finalizar con un picnic en el área habilitada junto al snack-bar.

3. Paséate por los pueblos araneses

Visita la recién acreditada vil·la florida de Bagergue y los demás pueblos de la Val d’Aran. Piérdete por sus pequeñas calles, entra en sus edificios románicos, degusta sus productos y platos típicos y disfruta de la amabilidad de sus gentes. De norte a sur, de este a oeste, todas y cada una de las localidades aranesas están impregnadas del sabor 130-VA-BAGERGUE (1)de la historia y de un personal estilo alpino que los hace inconfundibles.

4. Pedalea entre la naturaleza

Descubrir la naturaleza en bicicleta es una de las experiencias más intensas que puedes disfrutar en la Val d’Aran. Dispones de todo tipo de rutas señalizadas tanto en btt cómo por carretera, paseos tranquilos junto al río enlazando pueblos o bajadas técnicas por frondosos bosques. ¡Entra en Aran Total Bike y encuentra tu itinerario!

5. Practica el Senderismo en familia

Te proponemos 10 rutas de senderismo muy amenas para realizar con tu familia por la orilla de lagos y ríos, atravesando caminos de mineros y contrabandistas o descubriendo santuarios escondidos. De baja dificultad y cortas distancias os permitirán disfrutar de los más bonitos paisajes con toda tranquilidad y la mejor compañía.

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